Equity Amid Crisis Virtual Conference June 4-5

“Equity Amid Crisis” is a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact globally, nationally, and locally. There are a variety of disparities that existed before COVID-19 including but not limited to race, health, education and economic. As a result of this pandemic, those disparities are increasing. For example, children in less than ideal living conditions are facing significantly higher challenges to perform in an online environment.

African Americans are being recognized as the most vulnerable to this virus. Last, most diversity in larger businesses are at the entry exempt and hourly levels. Those are also the first to go amid crisis or are the ones most likely on the front lines.

“Equity Amid crisis” is an attempt to have us as a community come together to listen, share, and strategize on how to come out of this crisis stronger instead of further divided with disparities widening. Our audience will include participants, speakers, and facilitators, representing nonprofits, private, public, government and education sectors. This multisector, diverse group of people will listen and co-create innovative solutions in preparation for the complex and unknown challenges our community will soon face. A bonus is to make some new friends and reconnect with existing colleagues. Also, there will be opportunities for self-care during the course of this conference. Please remember COVID-19 is affecting our physical, financial, and emotional well-being.

Click to enlarge schedule


A community that cultivates a workforce and businesses that reflect the growing demographic shifts has a greater chance of emerging from this crisis more prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. A community prepared for this crisis strengthens its commitment to equity by doubling down on its existing efforts to ensure that people from marginalized communities are not disparately impacted. The community would also be committed to understanding and leveraging consumer insights and lived experiences. With the demographic shifting on our community as seen below, this crisis can have a devastating impact that can widen existing gaps.


Participants will experience two half-days of interactive sessions and breakouts to further address the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact. A bonus half-day is dedicated to self-care activities with Zumba, Yoga, and Meditation.

To learn more, visit: inclusivityllc.com/events

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