Kenya: Raila Attends Prayer Service Ahead of Presenting His Credentials to IEBC

Nairobi — Azimio la Umoja One Kenya flag presidential bearer Raila Odinga attended a church service at the All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi on Sunday ahead of his date with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

The ODM leader was expected to present his credentials for clearance for the State House race.

Odinga was accompanied by his running Martha Karua, Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth and a host of Azimio-leading leaders.

He was set to proceed to Undugu Grounds in Langata for a rally after his appointment with IEBC.

Odinga will later hold roadside rallies in Nakuru County.

On Monday, the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya presidential flagbearer will unveil his manifesto at the Nyayo National Stadium.

The clearance by IEBC will mark the beginning of intensified vote-hunting contest across the country as he seeks to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Odinga will be taking on his main opponent Deputy President William Ruto.

On Saturday DP Ruto was cleared to contest for the presidential seat in the August 9, becoming the forth candidate to earn his spot on the ballot paper.

Ruto was presented with the clearance certificate and a sample ballot paper at the Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi by the IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati.

While expressing his gratitude for being clearance, Ruto reaffirmed his confidence in the capacity of the IEBC to conduct the elections.

"I want to commit that my team in Kenya Kwanza and I will work with you diligently so that we can have free, fair, credible, and democratic, and verifiable elections. Anytime you need our cooperation or in any way our support, Mr Chairman I want to tell you we are available," he said.

He called on his supporters to do everything they can to "protect it (the election) from violence and unnecessary sideshows."

DP Ruto urged all Kenya Kwanza supporters and affiliate parties to focus on the "imminent win" which he said they hope to secure in the August polls.

Other candidates cleared are Walter Mung'are, David Mwaura and George Wajackoyah.

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