
Katlehong tavern shooting: 'I screamed at him to wake up' - distraught families demand answers

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Two people were killed while four others were injured when gunmen shot patrons at Mputlane Inn in Katlehong.
Two people were killed while four others were injured when gunmen shot patrons at Mputlane Inn in Katlehong.
PHOTO: Alfonso Nqunjana/News24
  • Two families are demanding answers after losing loved ones during a tavern shooting in Katlehong.
  • Three armed men shot and killed James Dlamini and Sibusiso Hlatswayo.
  • The pair sustained bullet wounds to their heads.

Matshepiso Motaung is still traumatised after two of her mother's regular customers were gunned down at Mputlane's Inn in Katlehong.

Her mother, Margaret, was not present when the fatal incident occurred on Friday night.

"Around 21:00, I was behind the counter serving customers. Music was playing softly. I heard repeated bang-bang sounds. I thought a gas heater inside the tavern was exploding.

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"As I went to see what was happening, I saw people diving. I ran inside the house. My brother joined me. I immediately called the police. I went back and saw four people injured.

"Two others were lying lifeless next to each other. The injured were rushed to hospital by other customers."

The deceased were later identified as James Dlamini, 56, and Sibusiso Hlatswayo, 29. The two men resided a few streets away from the tavern.

"They were our regular customers. The two were seated next to each other when three armed men arrived and opened fire on them. I have been told that the gunmen were targeting Hlatswayo.

"Dlamini was hit as they were shooting at Hlatswayo.

James Dlamini pictured in blue overalls
James Dlamini

"I am traumatised. I had never seen dead bodies before. This was the first incident where blood was spilt in our place since it was opened in 2009.

"Hlatswayo and Dlamini sustained bullet wounds to their heads; they were shot at close range. They died instantly. I plead with the police to arrest their killers," said Motaung.

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Dlamini's younger sister, Thembi, described her brother as a shy, non-violent and sweet person, who was loved by many in the neighbourhood.

Thembi was at her home when she heard gunshots coming from the tavern.

"I later received a call from my nephew, Sibusiso, that his father had been killed. I rushed to the scene and was told that my brother was hit by people who were targeting Hlatswayo.

"My brother was lifeless, bleeding from his ear. He was shot for nothing. He was not supposed to be killed. I plead with the police to arrest their killers. We want justice."

"Their killers owe us answers. They must tell us why they killed them. We also call on anyone with information about the killers to come forward."

'He loved peace'

Hlatswayo's brother, Sabelo, said his brother was a reserved and quiet person, and he loved Kaizer Chiefs.

He had recently acquired membership of his beloved soccer team.

Sibusiso Hlatswayo and James Dlamini were seated next to each other at the tavern in Katlehong when gunmen opened fire, killing them both.
Sibusiso Hlatswayo
Sibusiso Hlatswayo
Supplied PHOTO: Supplied

"He lived for Kaizer Chiefs. He loved peace. He was never a person who would fight. He was killed for nothing. I don't know why he was killed. He was a man who loved his girlfriend and daughter, aged five.

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"I was at home on Friday night when I heard loud bangs at our gate. I peeped through the window and people yelled that I must come outside because something terrible had happened to my brother."

He continued: 

I ran to the tavern and was greeted by him lying on the floor. I went and tried to lift him up. His eyes were wide open. He had been shot in the head. I screamed at him to wake up and go home. He didn't respond. He was gone.

"I thought he would stand up and walk away with me. I know my brother. We grew up together. No one can describe him better than me. Something must be done against those who took his life."

In addition to the two people killed, four others were wounded in the shooting.

The spokesperson for Gauteng police, Colonel Dimakatso Sello, said no one had been arrested in connection with the killings.

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