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physical affection in a relationship

Source: Aja Koska / Getty

I recently saw a meme that said when men say, “Let’s cuddle,” it’s just their way of slowly transitioning into sex. Ugh. That made me sad. I like to think that my partner just genuinely likes to cuddle sometimes! And, well, my partner does, as we’ve been together so long that we don’t really have to do it like bunny rabbits the way we used to. Sometimes, he really just wants a comforting cuddle after a rough day, and then he puts no moves on me—he just goes to sleep. It would also be nice if the cuddle lasted longer, but I’ll take what I can get. I do believe that that sneaky turn-cuddles-into-sex thing may be true for a lot of men, though.


Do any women out there feel deprived of a lot of non-sexual physical touch that would feel really nice? And that our partners just don’t do enough for some reason? And, by the way fellas, receiving regular physical affection throughout the day makes us feel closer to you and makes us more likely to want to have sex, when the time is right. But I’ve always felt that a lot of guys just do some of the minimal, basic things throughout the day—a quick peck in the kitchen, one long hug mid-day—and then an attempt at sex later. But we have needs!


Every woman knows there are just those forms of touch that feel so nice—that activate all of those happy chemicals in our brains and make us feel so safe and loved. They can be better than sex! Men, here are non-sexual physical acts women wish you’d do more.


A long kiss leading nowhere

Can’t we just get a deep, long, romantic, loving smooch out of the sexual context? As relationships go on longer, it seems like the good old fashioned make-out session dies. I either get quick pecks hello and goodbye—the kind a grandma might give!—or I get a good make-out during foreplay. Where have my good, long kisses leading nowhere gone?

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