By Marnita Coleman,
Special to the AFRO

Can’t seem to get your spiritual oomph back? Have you been too busy to pray or too tired to read your Bible? Has COVID-19 given you the perfect excuse to stay in virtual mode? If you have created the habit of casual Christianity–just going through the motions with little to no fervor in your worship– don’t panic, you could use a jumpstart.

When these signs show up it usually indicates that our relationship with God requires attention. If a car is not driven for a while, the battery will become weak, or die. 

“The flame that God has set in us must be stoked, must be nurtured, must be developed so that we can continue to weather the storm with fire, passion and determination,” said Pastor Clarinda Burston-White, of Miracle Church in East Baltimore.

After the pandemic’s interruption of in-person worship service only two out of three regular churchgoers have returned. We are urged by Hebrews 10:25, not to stop coming together as is the habit of some, but to encourage one another to stay consistent in our fellowship especially as we see the coming of the Lord Jesus drawing near. 

Myles Munroe, the late, world-renowned visionary, taught us that an environment of faith keeps believers strong. Every guru, life coach or trainer knows that consistency is key to maintaining your momentum. 

When you are feeling dry and unexcited about gathering with those of like precious faith, you have to “ignite the flame” as Pastor Burston-White would say because something is out of alignment.

When our focus changes, new habits are created and old habits fade away. Many have replaced spending time in the presence of the Lord with Netflix original movies, sporting events, brunch, or just sleeping in. It’s a subtle move of uprooting spirituality for entertainment, not cognizant of making God second fiddle. 

In 1 Corinthians 15:58 we are reminded to be steadfast and unmovable, always thriving in the work of the Lord, for our doing so will pay off. In other words, stay connected to God.

Though we are in February, now is the time to shift gears and get going again. Here are four simple steps to rev your motor. 

Step 1: Pray. Make a decision to seek God with all your heart. This is not a cliche or mindless action. Be transparent with Him and ask for help to reignite your spirit.

Step 2: Repent. Be willing to make a u-turn. Do not hesitate to go back to what kept your flame burning. Stay in an atmosphere of love and faith.

Step 3: Worship. Be intentional and deliberate about prioritizing your relationship with God, just as you would with your spouse or significant other.

Step 4: Study the scripture. Be patient and committed to the process. Rome was not built in a day. You may not feel devoted immediately. Remember, if you draw near to God, He will draw near to you.

Pastor Burston-White adds, “We are living through perilous times and life keeps presenting before us challenges that seem insurmountable but those who are in Christ have a flame inside and that flame is to keep us strong and assured so that we will overcome our trials and our tribulations.”

When you take these steps you will surely regain your momentum.