
'I'm not afraid of needles' - 87-year-old bedridden Cape Town pensioner gets Covid-19 jab at home

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Freda Carol Jessman became the first person to get her vaccine in the comfort of her home.
Freda Carol Jessman became the first person to get her vaccine in the comfort of her home.
  • Freda Carol Jessman, a bedridden pensioner, became the first recipient in Cape Town to receive the Covid-19 vaccine at home. 
  • The 87-year-old said she was not  "intimidated" by the injection.
  • She had been put on a list with others waiting to get their vaccination at home.

A bedridden Retreat pensioner has became the first Capetonian to receive the Covid-19 vaccine in the comfort of her home, as the Western Cape government intensifies its vaccination rollout for eligible recipients in the province.

Freda Carol Jessman, 87, said luckily she was not "intimidated" by the injection and her vaccination was quick and painless.

"Having had to visit the hospital on many occasions, I have become so used to having my blood drawn. I'm not scared of needles or the vaccine," she added. 

Since the beginning of phase two of the vaccine rollout, many expressed concern that for people over 60 who were vulnerable and had significant mobility challenges, it might be difficult getting to a vaccination site.

For this reason, the provincial government put mobile teams in place to administer home vaccinations.

READ | What happens if you walk into a vaccination site? We break it down

Jessman said she registered for her vaccination on the EVDS system and after receiving her second SMS which directed her to a vaccine site out of her area, she made the necessary inquiries with the provincial contact centre.

She was put on a waiting list along with many other residents awaiting their vaccinations at home.

"It was so quick and easy. You have nothing to be concerned about, the team is professional and efficient. I feel fine!"

"I know that so many people are spreading false information, I, however, felt I needed to have my vaccine as I did not want to suffer severely should I contract the virus. Too many people have died already," she added.

The Western Cape health department said in a statement that it was rolling out home vaccinations, as capacity and vaccine supply allowed.

"The ability to reach all residents in need of home vaccinations will depend on the capacity of the teams and vaccine availability."

Residents had been asked to be patient.

"We want to reassure our patients that all efforts will be made to reach each one in need of assistance. The ability to reach all residents in need of home vaccinations will depend on the capacity of the teams and vaccine availability," added the department. 

For any assistance, residents were asked to contact the provincial contact centre on 0860 142 142, where their details would be recorded for referral.

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