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There is a deep-seated, racist sickness in America that rears its ugly head far too often. In the latest example, ex-NFL star Brandon Marshall had the cops called on him by security that was refusing to let him move into his own new home.

Think about how outrageous that sounds, but it’s absolutely true. We know because Marshall shared footage of the incident on his Instagram.

“This is the problem,” an irate Marshall can be heard, reading security the riot act. “I come here, you feel uncomfortable, my first day moving into my new house, because my name’s not on the list you call the cops.”

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Marshall also noted that he had two kids in the car, and that other Black people lived in the area in…wait for it…Florida. Regardless, calling the cops was wholly unnecessary. Top-flight security tried to say they were just doing their job, but Marshall was not having it.

Even the cop noted the jig, as he waived after the camera panned on to home. 

“It’s Real!!!,” is how Marshall captioned the clip he shared. “I was so disappointed in myself for getting so emotional with my kids in the car BUT then I realized that being numb isn’t an option anymore. #vote


Fortunately, the situation didn’t escalate beyond security getting chewed out, but too often situations where the police called on a large Black man have even turned deadly.

Lately, Marshall has been doing his part to effect change, encouraging people to get involved and vote this November.


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Cops Called On Ex-NFL Star Brandon Marshall For Trying To Move Into His Own New House  was originally published on