The rainy season is here! Rain is the primary source of water. It helps maintain the water cycle.
Rains are vital for agriculture; more so in a rain-fed system of agriculture.
While rains are vital, rainy seasons also come about with challenges, danger and destruction. It is not uncommon to experience floods, land and mudslides and various other hazards, which calls for action at various levels, be it at individual, family OR community, among other levels.
This entry presents random tips as a contribution to reducing the damaging impacts associated with rains and the rainy season in an effort to protect our loved ones, family members, our community members, property and assets.
Avoid crossing flooding rivers as they could be death traps. Only cross when water levels are low and when you can see supporting structures.
Attempting to cross in fast moving water bodies can be a dangerous and a life-threatening undertaking. School-going children should be specifically empowered with information to make right decisions in such scenarios, a duty which both parents and teachers should prioritise.
Be on the lookout for leaning trees. Trees provide scenic beauty and shade in our surrounding. However, some leaning trees can also pose danger by causing injury or loss of life, besides damage to property and assets.
It is, therefore, important to pay attention to the surrounding environment. Roots are the main support structure for a tree as they keep the tree trunk tethered to the ground and balance the branches. Therefore, the more a tree leans, the more it pulls up the roots and compromises its support structure. Heavy rains soften the soil and cause the roots to lose their grip, making a tree more susceptible to leaning and falling over completely.
Falling poles carrying power lines are not uncommon during the rainy season. The rule is to treat the powerlines as live; hence do not touch the powerlines, rather report to appropriate authorities, notably the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi. Children must be made aware of the dangers of fallen powerlines to avoid accidents.
Prevent flooding in residential or business premises due to limited, blocked or the absence of drainage systems by making sure that there is a functional drainage system. Carry out thorough inspection of the entire drainage system, remove any trash that may block the drainage system and address all defects that may be detected. Ensure that there are no blockages in the connecting storm drains.
Sometimes, networking with neighbours to address the drainage system beyond one’s property may be helpful. Some unfriendly neighbours may need some civic education to take them on board.
Reports of roofs being blown off are common in the rainy season. Sometimes the entire structure crumbles due to heavy downpours. Examine structures and carry out maintenance works to enhance the strength of the structure, including the roofing, to withstand strong winds and heavy downpour.
Let us face it; sometimes, the nature and state of structures that always have their roofs blown off or, indeed, the entire structure brought down due to rains leaves a lot to be desired.
Heavy downpour and cyclones can trigger landslides and mudslides. A landslide is a mass movement of material, such as rock, earth or debris, down a slope. They can happen suddenly or more slowly over long periods. Landslides may lead to death, injury as well as loss of property and assets.
Reflect on our choices of places of settlement. Do you feel safe where you settled? If not, it is high time you took precautionary measures such as relocation.
Lightning is a common occurrence during the rainy season. We need to know how to keep safe in the event of lightning, strong and gusty winds. Properly orient those of school-going age on how to keep safe in the event of such hazards, such as staying indoors to avoid flying objects. Avoid seeking shelter under tall trees as these are not safe during lightning.
When a house is flooded, make sure to switch off power and unplug all electric appliances during a heavy downpour to avoid electric shock. Avoid touching electric equipment with wet hands.
Avoid constructing residential houses in flood-prone areas. Relocate to safer places. There is a tendency to always look up to government and other players such as non-governmental organisations and international organisations.
However, there are decisions one can make to save lives and property; for instance, deciding to evacuate or relocate when it is still safe to do so is much wiser than waiting to be hit and expecting government institutions or other organisations to come to our rescue.
Make it a habit to alert others upon noticing any dangerous situation on our roads, especially in the rainy season. It could be a bridge washed away or part of the road cut off, incidents of accidents, among other things.
However, avoid exaggerating in our reporting or alerts and, rather, be ethical.
In conclusion, it is advisable to always check and take heed of information and warning alerts from appropriate authorities. The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services and the Department of Disaster Management Affairs are doing a great job in this field. They both have social media platforms that are regularly updated. Visit their pages for regular updates and stay safe in this rainy season.