Source: Huzaime Wahid / EyeEm / Getty
While doing my usual internet reading and researching, I happened upon two articles on the topic of oral sex; two that clearly aren’t on the same page. One was entitled “Oral Sex Is Not The Measure Of A Partner“. It opened up talking about when DJ Khaled stated that (sigh) he didn’t go down and how, in spite of that being the shock (and disgust) that was heard around the world, no one should’ve cared but his wife. Not only that but oral sex should never be the be all or end all of a relationship. Eh. There’s a lot to get into today so I won’t expound too much. What I will say is I personally think that a lot of us rolled our eyes because he expected to receive what he was not willing to give; that it wasn’t a mutual understanding. Sir Khaled shared a huge double standard and, in the process, he also came off pretty selfish and high schoolish about cunnilingus. Actually…younger than that because I used to mentor teens and chile, these teens out here…never mind.
Then I read another article that was more up my alley. “Why You Should Never Settle For A Relationship Without Oral Sex“. Yeah, I’m totally with that. Not to say that I don’t know some people who hate to give and/or receive oral sex. If that’s you and your partner is cool with that, feel free to skip over this or forward it along to someone else. But if you’re someone who is like, “Oral sex is a total non-negotiable in my relationship”, so much in fact that, from where you sit, the more you can learn about it, the better, this is your lucky day.
While I personally think that a willing and curious spirit is half of the battle when it comes to keeping your partner happy and satisfied in the oral sex arena, as with all things sexual, there are things that can be done to take things to another level. If you’re ready to do that—or to teach your partner how—I’ve got some tips that will make you smile and would definitely make Khaled blush a few times over.
1. Do Some Reading on the Topic. From Black Women.
Black women are naturally sexy. That is a full and complete sentence. That’s why, if you’re a little apprehensive or self-conscious when it comes to discussing oral sex with your girls (because they tend to have some good tips), I recommend looking up some articles and podcasts from sistahs who are totally liberated when it comes to the topic.
Two that come to mind are the article “‘HELLA BLOWS’: AN ESSAY ABOUT SUCKING D*** – WE MUST STOP SHAMING BLACK WOMEN ABOUT ORAL SEX” (yep, it’s printed in all caps) and the podcast “Listen: Eating that ass like groceries- Chatting about dining below the belt with Black Women Be Like and Guest” (love the African accents on this one). These are absolutely NSFW, but if you give them a shot, you might discover that it can be oddly comforting to hear Black women be so forthcoming. Also, it could possibly be what helps to pull you out of your shell or to try new things. Or, if you’re already super-adventurous, it can give you something to think and/or laugh about. Because there’s nothing like learning about or listening to sex from women who are a lot like you. Well, us.
Read more on XONecole.com.